Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Journey to Self Publication

Okay, I'm starting out here on my journey to self-publication. I'm probably doing is bass-ackwards, but experience is always the best teacher. So anyway, I've found a book designer who advertises that they can design my book at a very reasonable price. I think I've found a cover designer. That's as far as I've gotten so far.

One thing I can't decide on is whether to just go ahead and jump through the legal hoops to make Blackrose Press a sole proprietorship reality, or just use the imprint. Making it a reality involves tax forms, etc. On the other hand, I do want to deduct all this stuff from my taxes for this year (especially since I'll probably owe). Perhaps I should just close my eyes, pinch my nose and take the plunge.

I should make a checklist. First, I think, is to copyright the ms. Then I need to decide what to do about Blackrose Press. Then the book goes to the designer. I suppose I could have the cover design worked on at the same time.

Then there's marketing. I've heard that I should be marketing already, but how do you market something that doesn't yet exist? I guess it's like a movie--coming soon to a theater near you. Or, in my case, coming this fall. And does anyone really read media releases anymore? Is it possible for me to ask any more questions? Of course. I suppose I'll find the answers as I trundle along...

Love that word--trundle.

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