Monday, May 25, 2009


Back from Balticon!

I was going to take my laptop so I could update you folks while I was there, but I figured out at the last minute that it doesn't have a wireless card. Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm a real techno-ape, ok? Okay, maybe more like a techno-Neanderthal. Anyway, it's one more thing to put on my to do list...good thing my computer dudes are just down the street.

Anyway, I hooked up with a bunch of old friends--Jean Marie Ward, Trisha Wooldridge, Gail Z. Martin (check out her Necromancer series--awesome!) and made some new ones. Kelly A. Harmon is the bomb! Aside from her fantastic writing, she's got this to-die-for spider brooch that I just wanted to RIP off of her shoulder. Except if I did that, she probably wouldn't be my friend anymore...

Membership in Broad Universe has been a gift. I've met so many wonderful writers, women who don't look at me funny when I talk about werewolves and spaceships, but more than that, experienced writers who are more than willing to teach me what I don't know (which is a lot).

This is a quick one, because the day job beckons (even though it's night). But I wanted to let you know what's what.

Back soon!